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Welcome to musicmagazine

Discover the latest in literary music journalism

Our team of writers and editors are passionate about music and literature, and we strive to provide our readers with insightful articles, interviews, and reviews that explore the intersection of music and literature. Join us on this journey as we discover the stories behind the sounds.
At we are dedicated to bringing you the best in literary music journalism

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About Us

At we are a team of writers, editors, and music enthusiasts who are passionate about exploring the intersection of music and literature. We believe that music and literature have a unique ability to transcend borders and bring people together, and we are dedicated to sharing the stories behind the music.

Our site features a variety of articles, interviews, and reviews on a wide range of literary music topics. From exploring the history of music genres to diving into the lyrics of your favorite songs, we have something for everyone. Join us on this journey as we explore the stories behind the sounds and discover the literary magic of music.


Get in Touch

For general inquiries  and To submit an article or pitch an idea, please email our editor at For all other inquiries, please use the form below. We would love to hear from you! 
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